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Inclusive Leadership Program

OCTOBER 2024- MARCH 2025

Course Schedule

8 Months of Intensive Learning

The Inclusive Leadership Program is an 8-month leadership development program designed for C-suite executives who lead multinational or multicultural teams. Developed through a dynamic global partnership among three leading consulting firms renowned for their multicultural expertise, this course is strategically designed to accelerate leaders' progress in achieving impactful Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives.


Participants will learn how to unlock their potential as inclusive and equitable leaders, harnessing cultural intelligence to drive collaboration and innovation. Through a combination of online and in-person learning experiences, participants will empower their teams, expand their global networks, and redefine leadership excellence in the age of diversity.


22-24 2024

Mon: Welcome Dinner

Tues-Thur: 3-day in-person training in Cape Town, South Africa*

Fri: Optional cultural immersion activity


Six 3-hour interactive live virtual workshops once per month between retreats with our subject matter experts and two networking sessions to discuss implementation strategies within your cohort of peers. 

Optional: Interested participants can opt for 6 one on one coaching sessions with our experts throughout the course to help create practical, actionable strategies needed to navigate complex multicultural dynamics, promote equitable practices, and unlock the full potential of your diverse teams.


* Exact schedule TBD on participant enrollment. 


18-20, 2024

Mon: Welcome Dinner

Tues-Thur: 3-day in-person training in Nairobi, Kenya

Fri: Optional cultural immersion activity

The Conference

About the Program

Why Inclusive Leadership?

We know that organizations with inclusive leaders outperform their peers, gaining a distinct business advantage by fostering high-performing teams that leverage the best of every employee. By embracing these principles, leaders create an environment where diverse perspectives are valued, leading to enhanced creativity, innovation, and problem-solving. Team members feel a sense of belonging, which boosts morale, engagement, and retention. Moreover, diverse teams better reflect the customer base, enabling leaders to make informed decisions and tailor products and services to meet diverse needs.


By prioritizing their own learning, leaders unlock the potential for improved decision-making, enhanced collaboration, and a competitive edge in today’s global marketplace. Ultimately, investing in DEI practices enables leaders to build stronger teams, drive innovation, and achieve sustainable business success.

Topics Covered


Internal Awareness + Action

Explore how identity can impact our leadership approach and the dynamics on our teams. 



- Critical Consciousness: Moving from Awareness to Action

- Unpacking Bias: Understanding the Lenses of Positionality

- Defining Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in a Multicultural Workplace

- Creating Inclusive and Equitable Work Cultures


Interpersonal Awareness + Action

Learn practical facilitation and coaching techniques to address issues openly and transparently with team members in ways that improve the psychological safety of our workplaces. 


- Steps to Building Psychological Safety

- Micro-aggressions + Subtle Acts of Exclusion

- Calling in vs Calling out: Making Interventions

- Providing Feedback to Encourage Growth


Systemic Awareness + Action

Disrupt systems of inequity by exploring power dynamics in the workplace and apply practical processes and policies to make our workplaces more equitable. 


- Practical Steps to Embed Inclusive Leadership Practices

- Building Systems for Collaborative Decision-Making

- Creating a Culture of Feedback 

- Conducting an Equity Audit

Re-writing the Narrative: Bringing Global Leaders to Africa

Our program is intentionally centered on the African continent. By shifting assumptions about where and how international programming exists, we can reshape perceptions, unlock opportunities, and promote equity. Africa’s diverse industries and businesses offer under-tapped potential for meaningful collaboration and partnership. 

What You'll Get

40 h

+4 h

+6 h

Live Course Content with Expert Trainers
Additional Resources + Workbooks
Optional Personal Exec. Leadership Coaching

+20 h

Networking Opportunties with other Global Leaders
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Leadership Team

Our program is led by a team of experienced facilitators and coaches who are experts in leadership development and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our faculty includes executives, academics, and practitioners who bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the program.

Judith Haupt

Growing up in Germany and living in South Africa, with Christian-Jewish-German-South African roots, Judith was exposed to difference in terms of culture, language and religion from an early age. As a white South African running a company committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and transformation in the workplace, she works with leaders to realise the responsibility and potential positive impact they have on their teams and organisations. 

For many years, she worked with Women in Leadership and South African organisations willing and committed to rectifying inequalities of the past and creating truly inclusive cultures.


Her experience as a coach, facilitator and consultant on projects within South Africa, the US, Europe and Asia have given her exposure to the challenges, but even more so the immense potential there is in collaboration between different countries, generations, organisations, teams and people. Judith is an accredited Coach, Enneagram Practitioner, Systemic Constellations facilitator, and has extensive experience in working with leaders over the past 17 years. 

Join the Program

“In today’s interconnected and globalized world, it is now commonplace for people of dissimilar world views, faiths and races to live side by side. It is a matter of great urgency, therefore, that we find ways to cooperate with one another in a spirit of mutual acceptance and respect.”
Dalai Llama

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